2025 Annual Meeting

The 2025 Clifton Crest Homeowners Association (HOA) Annual Meeting will be held virtually at 7:00 p.m. Monday, January 27, 2025 via Zoom. Here is the link to the meeting:

Clifton Crest HOA 2025 Zoom Meeting Link.

This meeting is required by law and is necessary to allow continued functioning of the HOA. The HOA is responsible for trash and recycling collection, landscaping, maintenance of the common grounds and other essential activities. To participate in the meeting YOU MUST FILL OUT this proxy form. Even if you are not participating in the meeting, please send in the proxy form. We need a certain minimal number of proxies in order for the meeting to proceed. To complete the form, print it, fill it out, sign and date and send a clear photo of it to our Capitol Property Management community manager, Ingrid Ketterman at iketterman@capitolcorp.com. You may fill out the form however you wish, but the easiest option is to check the ‘for quorum purposes only’ selection.

Notice of this meeting has been sent to every homeowner via U.S. Mail and via multiple emails. For your convenience, here is a copy of the full 2025 Annual Meeting Packet.

Thank You in advance for doing your part to support your community.

Pipestem Paving & Crack Sealing

The Clifton Crest HOA has entered into a contract with Brothers Paving Inc. for paving and crack sealing for the three pipestems in Clifton Crest.

The pipestem serving 13318, 20, 22, 24, & 26 Regal Crest Drive was repaved approximately 7 years ago and will receive crack sealing only. The other two pipestems, — the ones serving 5706, 08, & 10 Regal Crest Court and 13380, 82, 84, 86, 88, and 90 Caballero Way — will be fully repaved. Those two pipestems have never been repaved and are showing substantial deterioration after 24 years of use. Full repaving includes milling the existing pavement to a depth of 2 inches and applying a new asphalt surface.

The repaving of the Regal Crest Court and Caballero Way pipestems is currently scheduled for August 5th, 2024. The crack sealing of the Regal Crest Drive pipestem is scheduled for August 7th, 2024. These dates may be impacted by weather or other circumstances.

The precise areas to be serviced are clearly shown in this overhead view of the sealing and paving areas.

VERY IMPORTANT: Sealing or paving of the individual private drive ways connecting the pipestems to garage entrances will NOT be paid for by the HOA. It is strongly recommended (particularly for the full repaving) that affected homeowners have their private driveways done at this time, but this will be at the individual homeowners expense.

Capitol Property Management will be sending out a mailer to affected homeowners during the last week of June. Please keep an eye out for this mailer. Additional information will also be posted on this website as it becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to maintain and improve our community. Please note that the work that is being paid by the HOA will be paid out of our reserve funds (supplemented by the VDOT land sale funds) and will not impact our operating budget or require an increase in homeowner assessments.

Paving, Curb & Sidewalk Repair

The Clifton Crest HOA has engaged Pro-Pave to do repair work in the townhome area. This includes full-mill repaving & restriping of Clifton Crest Way and the entire parking area. There will also be selected repairs made to crumbling curbstones & sections of the sidewalk.

Curbstone & sidewalk repair is scheduled for Friday, October 13th from 7 am to 6 pm. Signs will be posted in advance marking which parking areas will be unavailable. Repaving is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th from 7 am to 6 pm. All parking spaces and Clifton Crest Way will be closed the entire day. Also, there will be no trash pickup for the townhomes that day.

Cars must be moved or they will be towed. If your vehicle is towed, contact Battlefield Towing at 703-378-0059. The above-listed dates are dependent on the weather. Updates will be posted at the townhome site and on this website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the HOA’s Community Manager, Ingrid Ketterman at iketterman@capitolcorp.com or 703-707-6404.

Additional details can be found on this flyer, a copy of which has been mailed to all residents in the townhomes. Note that if you have renters in the townhomes it is your responsibility to notify them of this activity.

Coming Soon – Townhome Lot Repaving

The Clifton Crest Homeowners Association is in the final stages of engaging a contractor to repave the parking lot of the townhomes on Clifton Crest Way. The parking lot has not been repaved since originally built 23 years ago. This will be “full mill” repaving, not merely resealing. The contractor will also repair some broken curbstones and sections of the sidewalk. All curbstones, lines, house numbers, and visitor space markings will be repainted. Additional details including the schedule will be posted when available. The cost of this project will be funded entirely by existing reserves and will not require an increase in assessments.

Successful 2021 Annual Meeting

Thanks to the participation and proxies from many homeowners, the Clifton Crest HOA had a successful 2021 annual meeting. The Zoom platform worked well and there was good discussion of a variety of topics. Please download the 2021 HOA annual meeting minutes for more details.

The election of officers was completed and we were happy to welcome Dr. Tushar Patel as a new member of the HOA Board of Directors. The list of current Board members and their terms has been updated.

Please note that there is still one vacancy on the Board of Directors. Volunteers willing to join the Board are welcome at any time; you do not need to wait for the next election! Please email our community manager Ingrid Ketterman at iketterman@capitolcorp.com to let us know of your interest. No special experience or expertise is required. Nearly all the work is done vie email and there are many quiet weeks where there is no activity at all.

School drop-off & speed issues

Residents have noted serious safety issues occurring when parents are dropping off or picking up children at the bus stop on Clifton Road. Specifically, some parents are parking on the wrong side of the road (facing traffic) and also parking too close to the intersection. Both practices are dangerous and illegal – see Fairfax County parking regulations excerpt below.

Additionally, residents and visitors are driving much too fast in the community, particularly when first entering Regal Crest Drive or when coming down the hill on Regal Crest Drive approaching Clifton Road. The Homeowners Association will be reaching out to Fairfax County Police for increased enforcement of speed limits and traffic regulations.

Recycling Update – No Glass!

Fairfax County is no longer accepting glass items collected through curbside recycling collections such as we have in Clifton Crest. Glass items tend to break in transit and contaminate all the other recyclables. If you still want to recycle glass, you must take the glass yourself to designated Fairfax County sites. More information and drop site locations can be found here.

Below is updated information from our trash and recycling contractor (American Disposal Services) about what and how to recycle:

Route 29 Widening Update

VDOT has begun a project to widen about 1.5 miles of Route 29 (Lee Highway) from Union Mill Rd. to Buckleys Gate Dr. in Fairfax County. The project aims to relieve congestion and improve operations and safety. The project is currently in preliminary design. VDOT is holding a public meeting to allow residents to provide feedback and comments on the design under consideration. The meeting will be held Monday, June 10, 2019 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at VDOT’s facility at 4975 Alliance Drive, Potomac Room, Fairfax, VA 22030.

If you are unable to attend the public hearing, materials, including the presentation and comment sheet are available at this VDOT link. You may also email comments to meetingcomments@vdot.virginia.gov. Please include ‘Route 29 Widening” in the subject line.

For additional information about the project, see this earlier post.

Spring Clean-Up Day 2019

Save-the-date! Our annual Spring Clean-Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2019. This is an opportunity for our community to get together and spruce things up a bit around the neighborhood and to gather for some fellowship, food, and beverages afterwards. Clean-up activities will be from 10 to 11 and food and fun will be 11 to 12. Rain date May 18th. More details in this Clean-Up Day Flyer.