Thank You Jeff Dunn

Clifton Crest’s HOA Board President Jeffrey Dunn has given notice that he has resigned from the Board due to the fact that he and his wife are moving out of the area. On behalf of the entire community, we would like to thank him for years of dedicated service. During his tenure we have had financial stability, improving property values, and a pleasant and safe family-friendly community. Jeff has always advocated ruling in favor of residents and avoiding the excesses and rigidity for which many HOAs are known.

Jeff’s departure leaves an immediate opening on the HOA Board. The HOA Board conducts nearly all of its business via email and due to the small size of the community the volume of activity is relatively light. If you would like to volunteer to serve on the Clifton Crest HOA Board, please contact our Community Manager, Ingrid Ketterman at Formal election of HOA Board members will occur at the HOA Annual Meeting in January, but a volunteer can serve in an interim capacity until then.

Look for additional posts with more information about the HOA Board vacancy and the HOA Annual Meeting in the near future.

Yard Waste Collection Resumes

As of Monday, June 15th, trash and recycling contractors are required to resume collecting yard waste. Our current contractor, Patriot Disposal, has already started this collection but this notice from Fairfax County makes it official.

The information on yard waste collection below is an excerpt from the Patriot Disposal welcome letter that was sent to every homeowner in April.

YARD WASTE: Yard Waste will be collected on Wednesdays. Grass clippings and leaves must be set out for pickup in bio-degradable paper bags or in a trash container clearly marked “yard waste” on both sides. Tree limbs and brush must be tied in bundles no longer than 4 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter. Bundles or items that are bagged cannot exceed 50 pounds. Yard waste does not include stumps, rocks, dirt, sod, gravel, mulch, whole trees, or clean-up from storm damage. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge.

Final Pickup for ADS Bins

Our previous trash and recycling contractor, American Disposal Services (ADS), will be coming through Clifton Crest again on Tuesday, May 26th to pick up any remaining ADS trash or recycling bins. Please place them at or near the curb the night before for pickup.

Also, please note that our recycling pickup day is now Wednesday, not Tuesday.

Yard Waste Collection Suspended

Trash and recycling contractors, acting under current Coronavirus emergency guidance from Fairfax County Government, have suspended all curb-side collection of yard waste. This included bagged grass-clippings, leaves, mulch and bundled branches. This affects all communities in the county including Clifton Crest and will continue until Fairfax County changes this guidance. Accordingly, please do not place yard waste at the curb. Residents are asked to keep yard waste on their property.

Additional information can be found at this Fairfax County FAQ.

New Trash & Recycling Company

Clifton Crest HOA has selected a new contractor to provide trash collection and recycling services to our community. Effective Friday, May 1st, 2020, the new contractor is Patriot Disposal. They will be distributing new trash and recycling bins as part of the service. Our current contractor, American Disposal will be picking up their old bins between April 28th and April 30th. Please put all your old bins out for the Tuesday April 28th pickup and leave them at the curb.

Trash pickup will continue to be made on Tuesdays and Fridays. However, recycling and yard waste will now be collected on Wednesdays.

Additional information can be found in the Patriot Disposal Welcome Letter. Also, please note the COVID-19 Emergency Restrictions.

School drop-off & speed issues

Residents have noted serious safety issues occurring when parents are dropping off or picking up children at the bus stop on Clifton Road. Specifically, some parents are parking on the wrong side of the road (facing traffic) and also parking too close to the intersection. Both practices are dangerous and illegal – see Fairfax County parking regulations excerpt below.

Additionally, residents and visitors are driving much too fast in the community, particularly when first entering Regal Crest Drive or when coming down the hill on Regal Crest Drive approaching Clifton Road. The Homeowners Association will be reaching out to Fairfax County Police for increased enforcement of speed limits and traffic regulations.

Update – Annual Meeting Jan 28, 2020

The Clifton Crest Homeowners Association will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, January 28th, 2020 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the offices of our management company, Capitol Property Management. The address is 3914 Centreville Rd Ste 300, Chantilly, Virginia. Further details including the agenda and a proxy form can be found in the 2020 Annual Meeting Packet.

This is your chance to discuss HOA matters and make your voice heard. This is also an opportunity to meet your HOA Board members and run for a seat on the Board if you wish.

Homeowners are encouraged to attend in person. If you will not be attending the meeting, please complete a proxy form and give it to a Board member or another person who will be attending the meeting. We must have sufficient attendance in person or by proxy to establish a quorum in order to hold the meeting.

Recycling Update – No Glass!

Fairfax County is no longer accepting glass items collected through curbside recycling collections such as we have in Clifton Crest. Glass items tend to break in transit and contaminate all the other recyclables. If you still want to recycle glass, you must take the glass yourself to designated Fairfax County sites. More information and drop site locations can be found here.

Below is updated information from our trash and recycling contractor (American Disposal Services) about what and how to recycle:

Fall Festival Sept 28th

Clifton Crest will hold a community Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept 28th. from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. In the event of rain it will be held Sunday, Sept 29th from 2 to 5. The festival will be held at the cul-de-sac at the end of Regal Crest Court.

The HOA will provide hot dogs and hamburgers.

Please bring side dishes, snacks, and beverages according to the first letter of your family name as indicated below. Vegetarian dishes also welcome.

  • A-H: Salad or pasta dish.
  • I-P: Chips or water.
  • Q-Z: Dessert or flavored beverage.