Final Pickup for ADS Bins

Our previous trash and recycling contractor, American Disposal Services (ADS), will be coming through Clifton Crest again on Tuesday, May 26th to pick up any remaining ADS trash or recycling bins. Please place them at or near the curb the night before for pickup.

Also, please note that our recycling pickup day is now Wednesday, not Tuesday.

Yard Waste Collection Suspended

Trash and recycling contractors, acting under current Coronavirus emergency guidance from Fairfax County Government, have suspended all curb-side collection of yard waste. This included bagged grass-clippings, leaves, mulch and bundled branches. This affects all communities in the county including Clifton Crest and will continue until Fairfax County changes this guidance. Accordingly, please do not place yard waste at the curb. Residents are asked to keep yard waste on their property.

Additional information can be found at this Fairfax County FAQ.